Exoderm International Medical Centers














 Cosmetic Surgeries Hair transplant Exoderm peel  Photo Gallery Contact

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Exoderm I.M.C -  International Medical Centers

FUE - Hair transplantation 

Artificial Hair implant - synthetic hair -  the Newest and safest generation

Nido and Biofibre -  Exclusive in Europe

Exoderm Peel ( chemical peeling ) Best non surgery face and neck lift

Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeries - Most modern Centers

Exoderm's Hair Transplantation





FUE  Hair Transplantation

Exoderm International Medical Centers  

resorts the most improved methods.

30 years of practice.

done with plastic surgeons and the most professional

experienced team in Europe, 


FUE  Hair transplantation

No scars !

F.U.E : 1-2-3 generations hair transplantations

Hair restoration -  microsurgery


AH Artificial hair - Synthetic hair implants

Full head in only one day .


Nido hair -  collagen type implantation ,

safest artificial hair, the new generation . 


Biofibre -  Bio Synthetic  hair

synthetic special and safe bio synthetic feels just like natural hair


Eyebrow and eyelash restoration transplants .

E.F.I  : Newest -  Electronic ( Pulse) single

double or triple Follicle Injected Hair restoration

  micro and macro - Hair restoration


The Most professional and modern solutions for any kind

of baldness at Exoderm's Chain of medical centers .


The unique "Exoderm's FUE hair transplantation" - the best results

100% , we use your own hair as the donor from

 a safe area,  no side affects - looks natural .

The treatment takes only several hours in one of

Exoderm Medical Centers,  done with local Anesthesia -

no pain - nor hospitalization is required ,option for


Special package deals including  1-3 days ,

4-5 star hotels , one weekend to get your hair back !

24 hours of therapeutic observation to guarantee the best results 

Thousands of pleased clients.

The treatment is good for men and women.

Exoderm's complete solution for any kind of baldness

no scars !  highest  density even 5000 grafts per session.

100% success with our special hair transplant methods ! 


FUE  Implanters

Exoderm Hair implant colors

Biofibre colors and synthetic hair types



Synthetic hair implantation


Exoderm Hair implant


Nido Colors



Pulling strength of the hair is 150 Gr,

more than our natural hair .


Only in Exoderm's chain of hair clinics :
Artificial hair - according to:  CE /TGA /ISO - regulations
And approvals.

Advantages of artificial  Hair Implant :
No one can tell or see if that is synthetic or yours all colors, hair types ,
Curly , waved , strait, short or long hair final Results in only one day .

immediate and natural aesthetic result high hair density in a few hours a simple,

quick, reversible, painless outpatient procedure
allows the patient to lead an active, sporty lifestyle even soon after the implant
provides a gradual and progressive hair thickening, economically affordable
requires no burdensome maintenance to maintain the desired aesthetic results NOT binding:

 it can be performed or stopped when desired and the implant
can be performed alone or in combination with other medical or surgical treatments .


it needs some small re-implants to maintain the aesthetic result achieved
it needs a suitable hygiene of the scalp and respect of after care
it is not recommended on sensitive patients suffering from scalp diseases .


 synthetic Hair Implant is an Anti Aging and alopecia procedure 

recommended for Male and Female
at any age and any stage,  can be combined also with other hair restoration methods.

Only in Exoderm you get transplants by automatic
modern implanters that allows us to transplant even
a single hair follicle with the smallest trauma to the skin
with no scars, for highest density and natural looks.

The only clinic that can implant 5000 hair in 1 session in few hours.

So is the electronic smallest size of punches for FUE
Mega implants and transplants - all in one day !

After care -  Find us in any of our worldwide Exoderm clinics
Package deals - including hotel and care . Find the best deal and location
In any one of our Exoderm's Professional hair clinics department.

we will find for you the best
Solution simply because we are
The only professional hair clinics that knows how and
uses and combines all techniques and methods there are ,
With our special exclusive methods as developed during 30
Years of experience.

There is no type of baldness or hair that we won't
find the best solution to give you a full hair and
The most natural looks.


when you compeer clinics or doctors for first consultation :

The Advantage of Exoderm Medical Centers is that we do not suggest you

to have any specific kind of transplant like most do,  simply because we are the

only professional hair clinic that does all  types of the best new methods ,

therefore we can adjust you the best solution for baldness and even predict how would

you look like in next 20 years , if you do not have enough donor area

we will suggest you to implant one of the best synthetic hair types

and keep your "bank" of donor hair for next years just in case.


50 % of our patients did already a hair transplant in the past with other old

methods by other clinics and we find that they are not happy with the results     
or the density of the hair.


we suggest to send us your photos and get the most professional

objective advise and best offer.

Capelli Artificiali,  prezzont> sensazionale

Prezzo speciale per Biofibre capelli artificiali

minimo di 3000

ExodExoderm medical Centers :

l'unica clinica professionale

che fa 5000 impiantidi capelli in 5 ore


Special package Deals :


Click for 500 Euro - Coupon  





 Back to Home page

Click for more about Exoderm hair transplant



 Exoderm Hair Implant  


   Exoderm Hair Implant 

 3000 artificial hair implant  By Exoderm Medical Centers

 Exoderm Hair Implant


  Exoderm Hair Implant

Exoderm Hair transplant


Exoderm Hair transplant


Exoderm Hair transplant



Nido hair implant - Exoderm Medical Centers  


Exoderm Hair implant


Biofibre Hair implant



Special offer for Doctors  , MD'S

the original "Exoderm"

trainings  course  - Franchise

Complete training for the Exclusive Original

Exoderm's peel - face lift method.
Possibility to franchise with the original 

Exoderm Medical Centers chain

on an exclusive partnership base

at your clinic !

The original - Exoderm peel, lift

and or the complete solutions for baldness ,

unique hair transplantation methods and

2 kinds of synthetic hair implants

and all type of transplant combinations.

courses , complete  trainings ,

workshops  for Doctors and for

the Medical ( Hair ) assistants.


For more Details

Please call or send an E-mail

Mr. Michael Eger,  Director,

Exoderm I.M.C    E-mail


Click for : More info for doctors

Exoderm Hair implant


Exoderm Hair implant


Wien - Vienna clinic

Exoderm  Budapest and Sopron




 From Vienna Airport ,

 Accommodation in best hotels

 V.I.P personal care

special Package deals :all included

&nbs Hair transplants also on weekends.

Exoderm I.M.C  - A.Esthetics LTD.

 Tel-Aviv | Budapest - Sopron |  Köln | Frankfurt  I London I Wien I  Linz | Paris


| About Us  | Contact Us   | E-mail us


The original Exoderm web sites:

Exoderm-imc.com   Exoderm.net   Exodermpeel.com  Exoderm.org 

Exoderm-peel.com   Exoderm-lift.com  Exopeel.net  Exolift.com  

Exoderm.org.uk  Exoderm.de  Exoderm.at   Exoderm.eu  Exoderm.mx

  Exoderm.hu  Exoderm.fr  Exoderm.co  Exoderm.biz  Exoderm.mobi  Exoderm.it

Exoderm.center  Peeling.co.il   Epeeling.net    pro1.co.il   MeDthods.com

Artificial-hair-implant.com   Hairtransplantation.at   kunsthaar-implantation.de

biofibre-hair-exoderm.com    Nido-Hair-Exoderm.com   Fue-Exoderm.com   

Hair-me.com   Hair-me.info    Hair-me.net     Hair-me.org   hair-up.eu 

Kunsthaar hair transplantation Exoderm Deep Peel ExOpeel Synthetic

hair Akne Acne 

 Alopecia - Artificial  Hair implant  FUE Hair transplant 

The original Exoderm peel - Course

 ©® Copyright 1985 Exoderm I.M.C ™

E-mail us

Tel: +36-30-939-4442
